The Best Way To Practice Guitar

One of the most popular instruments in terms of both style and substance, the guitar’s popularity as an instrument outmatches most other musical instruments. Learning a guitar is something many people desire to do but not many take the leap. In reality, learning the guitar can be a truly rewarding experience that can stay with the learner for the entirety of their lives. In order to learn how to play a musical instrument, a person needs to have a good guide alongside them who can train them in the right manner. Adding to this, the player needs to have dedication and passion in order to practice in the right way. Overall, few things are as satisfying in life as learning to play an instrument.

How Do You Start Learning The Guitar?

Here are a few points to help you begin your journey:

1) Get A Good Teacher:

Learning any skill requires the right guidance and the best mentorship. Learning under a good teacher can help you understand your concepts better and will also help you to stay motivated. Just like any other skill, a good instructor can help you to learn the fundamentals, practice well, understand concepts and make the process a lot easier.
All experts start from scratch and the same applies to musicians. Professional musicians start under mentors and slowly but gradually start learning and growing alongside their mentors. Connecting yourself with a good teacher will help you to improve your playing and also grow your passion for music along the way.

2) Practice Makes You Perfect:

Proficiency comes through practice. Be it sports, a form of art, or learning a musical instrument; practicing in the right way will take you ahead in your field. Practicing with the right methods, timing yourself in the right manner, and putting the advice you received into practice will all result in your level of skill rising each day.
Masters are not born and neither do they achieve mastery in a matter of days. Every form of art or skill requires dedicated practice done in a structured manner. Practicing under the watchful eye of your mentor will pay dividends to you in the future.

3) Finger & Wrist Exercises Are Key:

Apart from having an understanding of concepts and being familiar with music in general, playing an instrument also contains physical effort. Music requires coordination between the mind and your limbs and in relation to the guitar, your fingers are the source of pure magic. It’s common to hear people complain about the pain they experience while playing. This is due to the fingers and the wrist taking time to develop the right strength and endurance needed to play the guitar.
Make sure to stretch your fingers before and after playing and also exercise your wrist to help you hold the guitar with a strong grip. Practicing and playing the guitar regularly will help you develop the required endurance to play the instrument longer and without any hassle.

4) Learn To Switch Between Chords:

Chords and notes form the basis of every single song. Learning to play a song means learning to play the right notes and the right chords. Every song is played in a certain scale and has a set of chords that make it sound the way it does. Learning how to play chords and figuring out the right way to switch between chords seamlessly will help you to play any song you wish to play.
Learning newer chords and switching between them comes through practicing and playing. Playing your favorite songs and adding new chords into your repertoire will help you become a versatile guitarist.

5) Practice Strumming:

Chords help your song sound right. Strumming brings life to the music that you are playing. Practice your strumming technique by playing your favorite songs.
Start with a simple down strum at the right time. Slowly graduate into a basic strumming pattern. Once you are familiar with basic strumming, start adding spice to your play and watch your style expand into exciting sounds. Strumming the song with the right power and elegance will lift your playing to new heights. Keep adding more advanced strumming patterns into your arsenal to always be at the top of your game.

6) Watch & Learn From Real Guitarists:

Imitation is the highest form of flattery. There is no shame in learning from the very best in the business. Watch artists play and learn the techniques they use. Find out how they practice, how they warm up the right way, and observe the way they play their music.
Inculcate those practices into your playing while staying true to yourself and adding your signature style into your skillset. Learning from the best can only be beneficial to you in the long run.

Remember, music is all about passion. Learning to play your favorite instruments is a gift that will live along with you as long as you are alive and well. Learning from a great mentor and expressing yourself through your music will truly help you enjoy the music that you play. Spread the joy of music to everyone around you. Learn the right way and let your passion drive you to greater things in life.

We at Furtados School of Music have years of experience and expertise in this field and have used our knowledge to craft our guitar class and courses in such a way that it caters to people of all ages. Professional mentors providing the right kind of accessible guidance can help you grasp concepts well. Our teachers and our musical curriculum can help you to learn the basics and gradually grow into a seasoned musician. FSM prides itself upon its legacy of helping students for generations. We are glad to help you with any needs related to guitar classes. Happy Learning!

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