After 12 Years, Week 1 : A Harmonious Journey of Growth and Gratitude

Dear Stakeholders,

Today, we stand in awe and gratitude as we celebrate a significant milestone in the history of Furtados School of Music. It is with immense pleasure and a sense of accomplishment that we mark “12 Years, Week 1” since the inception of our musical institution.

Just like the notes in a beautiful melody blend harmoniously to create a masterpiece, our journey over the past 12 years has been a symphony of growth, passion, and shared dedication. In Hindu Mythology, 12 Years is equated to 1 Tapas, symbolizing the strength, perseverance, and transformative power that lie within.

We are humbled to draw inspiration from this ancient wisdom, as it reflects the essence of our journey. From the very first strum of a guitar to the exhilarating beats of drums, Furtados School of Music has been a place where dreams take flight, laughter fills the air, and melodies bring people closer.

With each passing year, we have strived to embody the spirit of Tapas, dedicating ourselves to the pursuit of excellence, the expansion of knowledge, and the elevation of music education. It is this very commitment that has made Furtados School of Music a leading institution in the industry.

At Furtados School of Music, we believe that learning music should be as exciting as hitting the high notes. Our classrooms have witnessed giggles turning into harmonies, shy voices transforming into powerful performances, and friendships formed over shared love for music. From the tiniest fingers on a keyboard to the grandest crescendos on a violin, our students have embraced their musical journey with open hearts and open minds.

We take great pride in our diverse mix of world-class music educators from India and abroad, who are not just teachers but also mentors and cheerleaders. They have witnessed countless “a-ha” moments, celebrated breakthrough performances, and witnessed the magic of music unfold in the eyes of our students. To our incredible faculty, we thank you for your tireless dedication, your unwavering support, and for making music come alive every day.

Over the past 12 years, we have expanded our roster of instruments and music programs to cater to the diverse interests and levels of expertise of our students. From the enchanting melodies of the piano to the fiery strums of a guitar, our students have embarked on a musical adventure, discovering their own unique voices along the way. We are proud to have been a part of their musical growth, and we look forward to nurturing many more budding musicians in the years to come.

As we reflect on the past 12 years, we are grateful for the support of our stakeholders who have been instrumental in our success. To our students, parents, faculty members, partners, sponsors, investors, and well-wishers, you are the heart and soul of Furtados School of Music. Your unwavering belief in our vision, your constant encouragement, and your applause from the front row have been our driving forces.

We extend our heartfelt appreciation to the Furtados family, including The directors of Furtados have always played a pivotal role in steering FSM towards its success. Your support has been invaluable in our journey, and we are grateful for your continued partnership.

To our esteemed investors, DSG Consumer Partners and Indian Angel Networks, we extend our sincere gratitude. Your belief in our vision and your financial support has been crucial in fuelling our growth and enabling us to reach new heights. We are honoured to have you as part of our journey.

Looking ahead, our vision remains steadfast. We envision a future where Furtados School of Music continues to be a lighthouse of musical education, not just in India but around the world. We dream of creating magical moments on bigger stages, discovering new talents, and inspiring generations to come. Together, we will continue to compose a symphony of possibilities, where music is the language that unites us all.

In closing, we want to express our deepest gratitude to each and every one of you. It is your unwavering support, trust, and love that have made Furtados School of Music what it is today. We are eternally grateful for the smiles we have witnessed, the melodies we have shared, and the profound impact music has had on our lives.

Join us as we raise our voices and instruments in celebration of the power of music, the harmonious journey of “12 Years, Week 1,” and the collective spirit that has propelled us forward. Let us continue to create harmonies, inspire creativity, and spread the joy of music to every corner of the world.

With heartfelt gratitude,

CEOs, Furtados School of Music

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